
As the operator of this website it is important to me that you know exactly which personal data is collected on this website, how it is processed, and how you can influence it. In particular, I would like to stress that I have no interest in your data.


This website is currently delivered by a server of the German hosting company Uberspace. The server location is Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Server logs

The server this website is hosted on does not write any log files. That means that no personal data is written to log files when you visit this website.

Secure data transfer

The data transfer between the server and your browser is securly encrypted using SSL.


No cookies are set on this website.

Statistics and tracking

I renounce any form of web statistics, tracking or fingerprinting. It does not interest me who you are, where you come from, where you go or how many you are.


By supporting Webmentions on your website, you explicitly signal your wish for linked websites to process and publish your public replies to their content. You can at any time request the removal of one or all webmentions originating from your website.

Processing and publishing

Incoming Webmentions are handled as a request to process personal data that you make available by explicitly providing metadata in your website’s markup. Additionally, an incoming Webmention request is by design a request for publishing a comment from elsewhere on the web; this is what the protocol was designed for and why it is active on your website. The personal data processed includes your name, the profile picture from your website, the URL of your website and personal information you include in your post.

The processing and publishing of incoming Webmentions is based on the legitimate interest to enable interaction with the readers of this website (Art. 6(1) lit. f GDPR), following the design intention of the Webmention protocol.


Under certain content types of this website (e.g. articles or notes) that I have referenced with a link on Twitter/Mastodon, I show the information that Twitter/Mastodon users have made public anyway, if such a tweet or toot has been reacted upon, e.g. with likes, retweets, and answers. The connection between my website and Twitter/Mastodon is done via Bridgy.

Exercising your rights

Please get in touch with me if you

  • want to request information about all data stored about your person
  • want to request deletion of all personal data stored about you
  • believe any personal data about you needs to be corrected

As an ultimate means to exercise your control over your personal data, in the EU you may always file a complaint with a data protection authority. I would still prefer to first hear from you personally, though.

Responsible data controller

The responsible data controller for this website is Francesco Schwarz: contact information.